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The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization

The Quantum Evolution of Consciousness

Published by Bear & Company
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

How the global mind drives the evolution of both consciousness and civilization

• Explains how our brains receive consciousness from the global mind, which upgrades human consciousness according to a pre-set divine time frame

• Reveals how the Mayan Calendar provides a blueprint for these consciousness downloads throughout history

• Examines the mind shift in humans and the development of pyramids and civilization in ancient Egypt, Sumer, South America, and Asia beginning in 3115 BCE

In each culture the origins of civilization can be tied to the arising of one concept in the human mind: straight lines. Straight and perpendicular lines are not found in nature, so where did they come from? What shift in consciousness occurred around the globe that triggered the start of rectangular building methods and linear organization as well as written language, pyramid construction, mathematics, and art?

Offering a detailed answer to this question, Carl Calleman explores the quantum evolution of the global mind and its holographic resonance with the human mind. He examines how our brains are not thinking machines but individual receivers of consciousness from the global mind, which creates holographic downloads to adjust human consciousness to new cosmological circumstances. He explains how the Mayan Calendar provides a blueprint for these downloads throughout history and how the global mind, rather than the individual, has the power to make civilizations rise and fall. He shows how, at the beginning of the Mayan 6th Wave (Long Count) in 3115 BCE, the global mind gave human beings the capacity to conceptualize spatial relations in terms of straight and perpendicular lines, initiating the building of pyramids and megaliths around the world and leading to the rise of modern civilization. He examines the symbolism within the Great Pyramid of Giza and the pyramid at Chichén Itzá and looks at the differences between humans of the 6th Wave in ancient Egypt, Sumer, South America, and Asia and the cave painters of the 5th Wave. He reveals how the global mind is always connected to the inner core of the Earth and discusses how the two halves of the brain parallel the civilizations of the East and West.

Outlining the historical, psychological, geophysical, and neurological roots of the modern human mind, Calleman shows how studying early civilizations offers a means of understanding the evolution of consciousness.


Chapter 1

The Dawn of the Human Mind


Civilization is known to have appeared quite suddenly around 3100 BCE. In the words of the English Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson, who studied rock carvings in pre-dynastic Egypt, “there is still a major gap in the record, still a ‘missing link.’ So many of the aspects that distinguish Pharaonic culture seem to have come into being quite suddenly, without any discernible predecessors.” Therefore, anyone who contemplates for instance Egyptian civilization will have to face up to the fact that its most spectacular creations emerged soon after the institution of its first dynasty, rather than at its height or end. To get a sense of how early the pyramids were in Egyptian history we may consider that Cleopatra (69-30 BCE), the last pharaoh of Egypt, was closer to our own time than she was to the erection of the Great Pyramid.

With this knowledge as a background--that the construction of the Egyptian pyramids marks the approximate starting point of civilization--we may now return to the question: “Why were these pyramids built?” Our most important hint is then that they were built at the time of beginning of the Long Count calendar. Another related hint is that they had been preceded by the world’s oldest rectangular structures that derive from the time of activation of the pre-Long Count. This implies that these two calendars may mark shifts in the evolution of geometric structures. Maybe then, if we understand why the Maya set the beginnings of these two creations to the years 8240 and 3115 BCE, respectively, we may also understand why rectangular buildings and pyramids start to appear around these particular times. We will then of course have to take their calendar system seriously and explore if there is a reality to what they called “creations” and their relationship to the geometry of what humans created. If these calendars then turn out to reflect new creations and waves of evolution, bringing new frames of mind into existence, the enigma of the pyramids would be resolved if we only knew how the minds were altered--and by what.

For this we are in a fortunate position, since the Maya did indeed provide an explanation as to why their Long Count calendar began at the time it did. According to the late Linda Schele at the University of Texas, who has played a significant role in deciphering Mayan glyphs, it is inscribed at the Tablet of the Cross at the site of Palenque that at the beginning of this calendar, “the First Father erected the World Tree,” so that “the light could enter.” To understand this at first enigmatic description, we need to be aware that according to the Maya, the World Tree (what most other cultures refer to as the Tree of Life) was the origin of the four directions. The inscription in Palenque then continues: “it was made proper, the Raised-up Sky-Place, the Eight-House-Partition, is its holy name, the House in the North.”

About The Author

Carl Johan Calleman holds a Ph.D. in Physical Biology and has served as an expert on chemical carcinogens for the World Health Organization. He began his studies on the Mayan calendar in 1979 and now lectures throughout the world. He is also author of The Purposeful Universe, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar and The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. He lives in New Mexico.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bear & Company (May 17, 2016)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781591432425

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Raves and Reviews

“The first novel idea about the rise of civilization in many decades.”

– Larry Dossey, M.D., author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness a

The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization addresses one of the crucial issues of our time, on which our future may depend: the relationship between human consciousness and the brain. The evidence shows that mind and brain are not identical, as we have been led to believe. Minds are capable of things that brains cannot do. The implication--that we are more than our physical brains and bodies--will likely be regarded as the most important discovery of our era. Let Calleman be your guide on this exciting journey.”

– Larry Dossey, M.D., author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness a

In The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization, Carl Johan Calleman formulates a unique outlook on human civilization, one that is deeply rooted in metaphysical changes in human consciousness. The effect is to reconcile diverse aspects of symbolism, myth, and theology, drawn from a wide range of ancient cultures.”

– Laird Scranton, author of The Science of the Dogon and Point of Origin: Gobekli Tepe and the Spiritu

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